Project Roadmap

It is always nice to think ahead of time so I like to keep this Roadmap updated. I may change it time to time but project should be rather fixed. The more you’re down the list the less likely you will see this project in a near future

This blog creation

We need a start for this story, and this place is perfect for it ! Still improves every day !

Blog came out on January 2024


My TSAL needed a rework and a good tutorial for FS team around the world ! Was also a way to check my electronics skills

Article released in January 2024

Make my Kicad Library

For my next project I needed to have a nice Kicad Library in order to streamline my production of card and electronical project

Article released in February 2024

Robot arm report

This project is not clearly new (August 2023) but it deserved to have its place here. The article is linked with a lot of ressources about robotics

Article released in May 2024

Taiko arcade controller

Actually this article is a repost with update from one of my instructable contest (October 2023). This fun project made a break in my serious content

Article released in June 2024

CO2 sensor V1

This project started in September 2023 but got delayed because I couldn’t afford the programmer without student discount (that nobody gave me)

Article released in August 2024

Mechanical keyboard

My girlfriend wanted a strange type of keyboard so I wanted to make it. Not a really difficult project but it can interested some people (cheap project is the key)

Article planned for July 2024

Ball tracker robot

One of my computer vision teacher want us to embark in any computer project we want. I will try to mix raspberry Pi and a little robot into a robot that follow a ball on the floor. It may be the subject of the first video of my youtube channel

Article planned for July 2024

CO2 sensor V2

CO2 sensor need a big hardware rework to include a lithium battery. It won’t be only an update of the last article but a whole new article

Article planned for November 2024

Fluid dynamics simulator

In 2020, I did a pretty nice fluid simulator in C++ and cuda and I really want to show it to you. This project is already finished so it is only a matter of writing

Article planned for end of 2024

Gimbal motor benchmark

I have seen more and more really cheap BLDC gimbal motor on the market. Since it is the key for making

Article planned for October 2024

Robot dog

It is kind of my main goal, I want a robot dog but I am poor, so I need to make one that everyone can build in order to streamline research in this field. it relies on my BLDC benchmark and other stuff

Article planned for 2025

Dev blog

I will start to make dev blog on my actual reasearch at university, It will be more theoric than other article but it may interest people

First article of the serie planned for September 2024

Mercury battery Adaptater

I really like to renovate old film camera and a lot of these camera use banned mercury coin cell. The goal is to make an adaptater with a voltage converter to be able to use again these camera with new type of coin cell

Article planned for 2025